Governance & Service​

Parkdale United Church's Council

  • Responsible to the Congregation, the Church Council is the decision-making authority of the Church. The purpose of the Council is to fulfill the Vision and Mission of the Church.  The Council oversees all activities of the Church in a manner consistent with the Church’s values.  It is structured so as to represent a broad range of Church interests and to facilitate communication within the Church.

 The Council is responsible, along with the committees of the Church, and with the support of its membership, for:

  • the spiritual well-being of the Congregation,
  • the management of the Church’s financial affairs, and
  • the administration of the Church’s property.

All of the committees and groups of the Church are accountable to the Church Council for their activities.

Members of Church Council

Elected Members

Member Responsibility Contact Info
To call and preside over meetings of the Council.
To conduct the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair.
To ensure that all business of the Council is duly recorded.
To maintain a record of receipts, disbursements, bank balances and investments of accounts administered by the Finance Committee.
Representatives to Regional Council
To report back to the congregation on the decisions and concerns of the Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council (EOORC)
Members-at-large from the Congregation
Represent groups that have no other formal access to the council structure.

For more  detail on the Elected Council Members click here : (Read More)

Ex-Officio Members

Member Responsibility Contact Info
Coordinating Minister (Read More)
Huda Kandalaft Kanawati
Bev Buckingham
Past-Chair of Council
To advise the Chair and Council on past matters and decisions of the Council.

Committee Chairs - Elected

Committee Terms of Reference Contact Information
Faith Formation and Christian Enrichment
Membership Development and Rolls
Ministry and Personnel
Mission, Outreach And Justice
Pastoral Care
Property Trustees
Recruitment and Succession Planning

For more  detail on the Committees and their roles click here : (Read More)

Parkdale United Church's Constitution