Jo-Anne McGuire joined Parkdale’s team in March 2021. For many years, Sunday mornings have meant going to church for Jo-Anne. Now she goes to church every weekday also – Monday through Friday – in her position as our office manager.
She has taken over as office manager after the retirement of Don Mockett, our previous office manager. Jo-Anne brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her new position after a number of years as office manager for an Ottawa-based printing firm.
Her role at Parkdale includes a wide range of office management responsibilities such as:
* meeting the administrative needs of the ministerial staff and the church;
* receiving visitors, answering the telephone, responding to emails, managing incoming and outbound mailings; preparing Sunday worship bulletins;
* coordinating the administrative aspects of baptisms, church membership, weddings and funerals;
* maintaining and updating databases and mailing lists, as well as records for the Benevolent Fund program;
* assembling and distributing the Church Annual Report;
* managing the booking of space in the building and maintaining the master calendar of bookings; coordinating the evening custodians’ schedules; serving as liaison between Trustees and groups using the church facilities.
In other words, Jo-Anne is busy handling virtually all of the administrative functions of Parkdale United.
Don’t be a stranger! When you have a moment, welcome Jo-Anne to Parkdale. You can reach her in the church office at 613 728 8656 or through church email at pdale@trytel.com.