Membership Development And Roles Committee


The Membership Development and Rolls Committee promotes the welcoming of all persons, caring for one another, and helping individuals to participate and give leadership in the Worship, ministry and activities of the Church.

The Committee plays an important role in greeting visitors and making them feel welcome, as well as offering information about Church activities and events. This ongoing hospitality role includes reaching out to newer members to ensure that they can be involved as part of the Parkdale family. Coloured name tags identify Committee members to indicate their availability to offer assistance or information. This Committee is also tasked with overseeing records around current church membership through the work of the Clerk of the Rolls and with maintaining historical records of the church through the work of the Archivist.


  • Chair
  • Clerk of the Rolls
  • Archivist
  • Members and adherents of the Congregation

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Greeting visitors at each service and making them feel welcome, as well as offering information about Church activities and events. This hospitality role includes reaching out to newer members to ensure that they can be involved as part of the Parkdale family.
  • Hosting pre-service breakfasts for those new members who are joining Parkdale by profession of faith, reaffirmation of faith or by transfer from another church. This provides an opportunity to meet ministerial staff, chairs of Committees as well as the Chair of Council and to learn about the roles these people play at Parkdale.
  • Developing and managing the Committee’s budget.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Clerk of the Roles

  • The Role Clerk, in conjunction with the Ministry Personnel and the Office Manager, will be responsible for:
  • Keeping the Membership Roll of the Congregation, recording the date of admission, transfer, removal, suspension, or other action concerning each member. (Historical Rolls).
  • Revising the Membership Roll annually.
  • Maintaining a Church Directory of Members, Children and Adherents.
  • Preparing submissions for the Annual Report (Membership Roll, In Memoriam, Baptisms, and New Family Members).
  • Overseeing the admission of persons into full membership, their removal and the granting of certificates of transfer of membership.
  • Ensuring the maintenance of the register of baptisms, marriages and deaths.
  • Ensuring that the membership and baptismal statistics are submitted annually to Ottawa Presbytery and to United Church national headquarters.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Archivist

  • Ensuring that Minutes and other important church records are preserved.
  • Researching the records as needed, and making them available, as appropriate, to others who wish to use them for research.
  • Maintaining an accessible repository of approved Council policies and directives.