Ministry And Personnel Committee


The Ministry and Personnel Committee is primarily responsible for the support and oversight of full and part-time members of the staff of the Church. This Committee does not replace the Joint Needs Assessment Committee in the event of a change in the pastoral relationship or a vacancy.


Not less than three nor more than seven members, who shall be representative of the members of the Congregation, and may include one of the lay representatives to Presbytery. No members of the church staff, including members of the Ministry Personnel, shall be members of this Committee.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Providing a consultative and supportive agency for the staff of the Pastoral Charge and for members and adherents of the Congregation.
  • Reviewing working conditions and remuneration for the staff of the Pastoral Charge and make appropriate recommendations to the Church Council.
  • Overseeing the relationship of the staff of the Pastoral Charge to members of the Congregation and others.
  • Overseeing the relationship between and among different members of the staff of the Pastoral Charge with respect to their responsibilities and authority.
  • Consulting with all members of the staff of the Pastoral Charge about their plans for continuing education, and ensuring that those eligible avail themselves of the provisions for continuing education and that money and time are made available.
  • Reviewing and evaluating semi-annually the effectiveness of the staff of the Pastoral Charge as those persons and positions relate to the mission of the Pastoral Charge, as defined by the Church Council.
  • Maintaining close liaison with the Presbytery Pastoral Relations Committee.
  • Reviewing regularly the responsibilities of all staff of the Pastoral Charge and revising position descriptions when required or requested, in consultation with relevant Committees and/or groups.
  • Participating in the development of job descriptions and terms of employment details for the new staff of the Pastoral Charge.
  • Considering holiday and other leave requests from staff so that arrangements can be made for alternate coverage.
  • Ensuring the development and maintenance of appropriate recording of staff leave, hours worked, overtime, etc.
  • Ensuring the development and regular review of personnel management policies of the Pastoral Charge.
  • Communicating as necessary with other Committees.
  • Carrying out other duties as outlined in the current Handbook for Ministry and Personnel Committees of the United Church of Canada.
  • Developing and managing the Committee’s budget.