Parkdale’s Upcoming Services
January 12th – Celebrating Week of Prayers for Christian Unity – Worship Service with Liz Harrison and Kathleen Stephenson
January 19th – Martin Luther King Memorial Service – special musical guests: The London Trio Plus
Please pick up your 2025 Offering Envelopes in the Gladstone Hallway behind the choir loft. If you have used envelopes regularly to donate in 2024 or requested envelopes recently, there is likely a box of envelopes there for you. If not and you need a set, please put a note on the collection plate or contact the church office.
Do you like to gather at the coffee/tea/beverage table in the Memorial Hallway after the services? Many do… It’s great to share fellowship with new as well as familiar friends.
But we need your help! Please consider volunteering at the table for one or two weeks. Our wonderful caretaker, Emile. sets up the table each week and your job would be to leave the service at the last hymn to make the tea, put out the milk/cream and pour the juice. It would be ideal to have two helping each week… one to pour the juice and one to make the tea and keep the milk jug topped up. The best reward is all of the smiling and grateful “Parkdalers” you will see!
Sign up at the coffee table or email with your availability times. We are looking for helpers from Feb. 9 onwards.
has started back as of January 8, 2025. They will meet in Memorial Hall on Monday, Wednesday
and Friday from 10-11am for all of January, February and March.
Donations at the door. All are welcome. Come as you are.
’s of Faith
Question 67: Should Christians read the Bible?
Here are some clues: Ps 19; Jn 6:63, 68; Acts 2:42; Rev 1:3.
Question 67 answer: Yes. The regular reading and study of scripture, together with the hearing of the word in public worship, are some of the richest joys of Christian commitment.
Question 68: Why does the Apostles’ Creed emphasize belief “in the holy catholic church”?
The answer will be in our next Sunday’s bulletin.
Here are some clues: 1 Tim 3:15, Eph 4:4-5, 1 Pet 1:15-16. See also: Eph 1:32; 1 Cor 3:17, 12:12-31; 1 Pet 2:4-10; Ex 19:6; Lev.
The Nursery. is staffed today. Parents are welcome to use the nursery for their babies and toddlers.
Christian Education & Faith Formation: for ages 4-18 is offered during the service. The children will have classes after their worship time in the chapel. Please note that the offering will be collected during that time. Please register your children online:
Epiphany Youth Group
The epiphany youth gathering is on Jan.11. pizza and games night for youth. Join us and bring a friend.
(Young Adults Group 19+)
Our first lunch meeting for this year will be Sunday Jan.12 at 12:30. All young people are welcome. RSVP to
The Junior Choir and Youth Band:
The Junior Choir meets before the service at 10 am, and the Youth Band meets after the service at 12 noon. All kids are welcome.
Empathy: A Parenting Super Power
Parents and caregivers are invited to a lunch and learn on Feb.2nd after church in the parlour. The workshop will be led by our own Susan Carlton. RSVP Jan. 15 by contacting Parkdale office. Childcare is provided in the nursery.
Empathy is generally described as the ability to take on another’s perspective, to understand, feel and respond to their experience. Every parenting expert worth their salt drives home the importance of empathy particularly when kids are struggling emotionally. The goal of empathy is to help kids learn that their emotions are valid. It helps them to calm down, emotionally regulate and return to their best selves. This in turn strengthens the relationship between parent and child.
At this seminar participants will learn basic skills to create empathy. They will also learn how many parenting approaches are actually ‘non-empathic’ and therefore counterproductive. Come to develop your parenting super power!
A basic introduction to a difficult issue:
The Ottawa Forum on Israel/Palestine ( is offering a
4-part series of lectures aimed at helping interested and concerned Canadians better understand the history, the current reality, and the possible future of Israel/Palestine. More info on bulletin board.
Your PRAYER REQUESTS are always welcome. Please send them to or you can use the prayer box in the sanctuary. If you want to be contacted please leave your name and number. We want you to know that we are here for you and that we stand together under God’s Grace.
Donations to Parkdale
There are several ways to make a donation to Parkdale
- Cash or cheques can be added to the offering plate that is circulated each Sunday. To receive a tax receipt, you can use a blue envelope (supplies are in the pews) and provide your name and address
- Personal boxes of envelopes are provided on request. They are now available for the 2025 year. You can place cash or a cheque in your uniquely numbered envelope and add it to the offering plate that is circulated each Sunday. Tax receipts will be provided after the end of each calendar year.
- Donations can also be made directly through your bank account or credit card using Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR). Givings are deducted automatically from your bank account or charged to your credit card once a month. PAR forms and information can be printed from the church website –
- E-transfer: donations can be made by sending an e-transfer to Make sure you note what the donation is for and provide your name and address information for a tax receipt.
- Canada Helps is an agency that accepts donations for Canadian charities for a small fee, and then forwards the donation to the church. Canada Helps issues the tax receipt. There is a link to Canada Helps on the Parkdale website.
429 Parkdale Ave
Ottawa, ON K1Y 1H3
Phone: (613) 728-8656