Responsibilities of Council Members
Responsibilities of all members of Council:
- To uphold the Mission and Vision of the Church.
- To participate in Worship and in the life of the Congregation.
- To attend meetings of the Council.
- To represent the views of the Congregation at the Council.
- To facilitate communication between the Congregation and the Council.
- To participate from time-to-time on ad hoc Committees established by the Council.
- To represent the Church as required at official functions and on Church business.
- To participate in all the duties of the Council.
- To respect the Code of Confidentiality (Appendix F).
Responsibilities of the Chair:
- To call and preside over meetings of the Council.
- To coordinate the activities of the Council.
- To coordinate the conduct of the Council’s business.
- To review upcoming items of business and prepare the agenda for meetings, in consultation with a representative of Ministry Personnel and the Vice-Chair.
- To follow-up on the work of the Council to ensure effectiveness, in collaboration with the Vice-Chair.
- To represent the Council and the Congregation to other groups inside and outside the Church.
- To facilitate communication amongst Council members.
- To encourage inter-Committee communications, as appropriate.
- To serve as a signing officer for documents for the Church.
- To preside over meetings of the Congregation.
- To ensure preparation of the Church’s annual report.
Responsibilities of the Vice Chair:
- To conduct the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair.
- To assist the Chair in reviewing upcoming items of business and preparing the agenda for meetings.
- To assist the Chair in encouraging inter-Committee communications, as appropriate.
- To serve as a signing officer for documents for the Church.
Responsibilities of the Secretary:
- To ensure that all business of the Council is duly recorded.
- To receive and distribute correspondence to the Council.
- To ensure that correspondence is duly executed.
- To ensure timely notice of meetings and circulation of minutes.
- To ensure that summaries of Council meetings are available to the congregation.
Responsibilities of the Past Chair:
- To advise the Chair and Council on past matters and decisions of the Council, and to participate in activities of the Council.
Responsibilities of the Treasurer:
- The duties of the Treasure outlined below are subject to the Financial Handbook of the United Church of Canada
- To maintain a record of receipts, disbursements, bank balances and investments of accounts administered by the Finance Committee.
- To ensure payment of bills and other disbursements in a timely and controlled manner, including double signatures on all cheques.
- To prepare regular financial statements for the Council and for the benefit of the Finance Committee in their oversight responsibility against the approved annual budget.
- To prepare financial reports for audit purposes as defined by the current United Church of Canada (UCC) Handbook for Church Treasurers.
- To present financial reports to the Annual General Meeting of the Congregation.
- To prepare and submit annual financial reports to the national office of the United Church of Canada.
- To submit the Registered Charity Information Return (T3010E) to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) by its filing deadline to maintain charitable status.
- To arrange for monthly submissions to CRA on income tax and other employer deductions, and preparation of T4 and T4A slips annually.
- To attend to such other duties as the Finance Committee or Congregation may direct.
Responsibilities of the Representatives to Presbytery:
- The Presbytery Representatives are lay representatives to Ottawa Presbytery and the Ottawa Montreal Conference. Parkdale is entitled to have up to 4 representatives.
1. Responsibilities to the congregation:
- To report back to the congregation on the decisions and concerns of the Presbytery.
- To inform Presbytery of the decisions and concerns of the congregation.
- To assure action on the requests, petitions, and resolutions from the pastoral charge, and report back decisions to the pastoral charge.
- To encourage participation of members of the Congregation in workshops, meetings, or events planned by Presbytery.
- To foster a sense of partnership between the pastoral charge, Presbytery, Conference, and General Council.
2. Responsibilities to the Presbytery:
- To attend meetings of Presbytery.
- To attend covenanting services, which are constituted meetings of Presbytery.
- To read minutes and be familiar with the subjects to be discussed at regular meetings.
- To participate in the discussion and decision-making process at Committee and Presbytery meetings.
- To share in the leadership of the Presbytery by serving on Committees, divisions, task groups or accepting election to office.
3. Other responsibilities:
- To attend the Annual Meetings of Conference.
- To present the position of the congregation on issues brought to meetings of Conference.
- To participate in the decision-making process at the Annual Meeting of Conference.
- To inform the congregation of actions taken and requests made at the Annual Meeting of Conference.
Responsibilities of Committee Chairs:
- Serve as a liaison between the Committee and the Council.
- Communicate the activities and decisions of their Committee to the Council. When no Council approval is required, this is to be done in writing in advance of Council meetings.
- Make recommendations on new initiatives related to the Committee’s mandate for approval by Council.
- Prepare a budget for the fiscal year, to be forwarded to the Finance Committee.
- Designate a substitute Committee member to attend Council meetings in the absence of the chair.
- Identify issues and projects that cross Committee boundaries and seek Council support where required to ensure collaborative decision making.
- Periodically review the Terms of Reference for the Committee and bring forth amendments to Council when required.
Responsibilities of Members-at-Large
- Represent individuals and groups that have no other formal access to the Council structure.
- Serve as a resource to individuals or groups with respect to seeking funding and approval of new initiatives.