Parkdale Sermons


Video Recordings of Services

December 31:  Betwixt and Between

Dec. 24, 7 PM – Christmas Eve Service:  It’s Really, Really True 

Dec. 24, 10:30 AM – Intergenerational Service:  The Road to Bethlehem

December 17:  A Very Mixed-Up Christmas Pageant

Licensed to Parkdale October 27, 2023 by
Beat by Beat

December 10:  Could Some *Wilderness* Be What We Need?

December 3:  Endings and Beginnings

November 26:  Jesus the ‘Separator’

November 19:  For Every Child, Every Right

November 12:  Being Awake and Keeping Awake

November 5:  Promising to Love, Refusing to Hate

October 29:  Stitched. Mixed. Baptized

October 22:  Why We Can’t Trap Jesus

October 15:  Not Fair!

October 8:  The Boundary-Busting Jesus

October 1:  It’s About What We Do and Think

September 24:  The Culture of God

September 17:  The Grace and Challenge of Forgiveness

September 3:  Excuses and the Concerns of God

August 27:  God’s Co-conspirators  (AUDIO RECORDING ONLY)

August 6: Loaves and Fishes the Gift of Music and Faith    (AUDIO RECORDING ONLY)

July 23:  Lost in the Weeds?

July 16:  ‘Good’ Wastefulness?

July 9:  What Is Your Only Comfort In Life And In Death?

July 2:  Welcoming a Prophet

June 25:  Our ‘Love’ Allegiance

June 18:  Seven Grandfather Teachings

June 11:  God’s Provocative Kin(g)dom

June 4:  Our Dancing God

May 28:  Holy Intoxication

May 21:  You Shall Receive Power

May 14:  I Love You Always

May 7:  See, I Am Doing a New Thing!

April 30:  Praising God with Glad and Sincere Hearts

April 23:  Now What?

April 16:  How Jesus Unlocks our Doubts

April 9:  Afraid Yet Filled With Joy

April 2:  Palm Sunday -Dramatic Reading

March 26:  Jesus Wept and was Deeply Moved

March 19:  Here’s Mud in Our Eyes

March 12:  Living Water

March 5:  Coming to Jesus at Night

Feb 26:  Temptation Goes Both Ways

         Audio only – complete service with Terrence Floyd  – Temptation Goes Both Ways

Feb 19 :  The Mystery and Blessings of Clouds

Feb 12 : More to it Than What We Heard

Feb 5 :  Sacred Acts of Children and Youth

Jan 29 :  Shaping our Lives and Longings

Jan 22 :  Be-Longing

Jan 15 :  What do you want?

Jan 8 :  God’s Adaptive Mission

Jan 1 :  ‘Epiphany’ is Choosing Us

Audio Recordings of Sermons


December 31: Betwixt and Between

Dec. 24, 7 PM – Christmas Eve Service: It’s Really, Really True

December 10: Could Some *Wilderness* Be What We Need?

December 3: Endings and Beginnings


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429 Parkdale Ave
Ottawa, ON K1Y 1H3
(613) 728-8656