
Christian Stewardship is the faithful management of our time, talents and treasures for the glory of God and the blessing of the world. We are called to share joyfully and abundantly these God-given gifts – we give generously because we are made for generosity, having been created in the image of a generous God.

Some Stewardship Thoughts by Rev. Dr. Bailey

As generous saints here at Parkdale, seeking to be obedient and faithful to God in the way in which we live out our faith and life in the congregation and beyond, we need to ask ourselves:

1.     What are we worth to God?

2.    What are those whom God has called us to serve in ministry worth to God?

3.    What is our congregation’s mission worth to us?

4.    How vibrant and responsive do we want our congregation to be?

5.     What is required of us to generously support this mission and this vibrancy?

6.    What more do we have available to give, and when?

“They are to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share, thus storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of the life that really is life.” Timothy 6:18-19

Parkdale's Guidelines on Environmental Responsibility

Parkdale’s Council approved the “Guidelines on Environmental Responsibility” that applies to all who use Parkdale’s facilities for their events . Those who host events (e.g, at meetings, classes, BBQs, dinners, luncheons) involving the consumption of food are asked to support and adhere to the guidelines. (PDF) Environmental_Guidelines

Recommended Reading List

The Stewardship Committee provides a list of books around the theme of “Stewardship”.  Stewardship comes in many forms; therefore, the listing of books provided reflects broad and varied areas, such as: faith, environment and relationships. See titles and authors of books onParkdale’s Suggested Reading page. (Read More) 

Stewardship Thoughts and Reflections

Barbara Hennessy, a past Chair of Parkdale’s Stewardship Committee, has written a series of articles suggesting how we can incorporate Stewardship in our everyday life. Read her inspiring articles. (Read More)

Stewardship Events

Events, both at Parkdale and outside organizations, are held on a regular basis to help you understand the concept of Christian Stewardship, how it can impact our world and what you can do.

Supporting Parkdale United Church with Your Gifts

You can support Parkdale United Church with your God-given gifts:

  • Talents
  • Time
  • Treasures

 Read how you can do this. (Read More)

Overseeing Committee

The Stewardship Committee oversees Parkdale’s Stewardship Ministry.

The Stewardship Committee works to foster: involvement by members in the church’s ministries; spiritual growth; stewardship training; personal contacts with other members; as well as generous and responsible financial offerings (including planned gifts).  In short, Christian stewardship is the good management of our time, talents and treasures for the glory of God.  Over the past few years, the Committee has also been involved in a variety of environmental stewardship activities (stewarding Creation). (Read More)

Contact Stewardship Chair:

The Messenger

Monthly Email Newsletter


429 Parkdale Ave
Ottawa, ON K1Y 1H3
Phone: (613) 728-8656