Supporting Parkdale United Church
Our congregation is made up of individuals and families who believe in the work of the Christian Church. They offer their time, their talents and, most of all, their prayers in the continuation of Christ’s ministry. Step out with courage and faith and bless the congregation and the neighborhood with your Spirit-given gifts, your financial resources, your energy and your involvement. Support Parkdale.
Support Parkdale With Your Time
Do you have time? Are you looking to volunteer an hour or two to do good work? We can use you in so many different and exciting ways. With our In From The Cold Ministry. Or check out our Congregational Ministry Opportunities. Maybe there is something that will pique your interest? If you are interested in contributing to the life and work of the United Church of Canada through volunteering at Parkdale United Church, give us a call.
If you are a high school student in Ontario and looking to find a way to use your community involvement hours, give us a call and we can help you with your requirements in a positive and fun way.
Support Parkdale With Your Talents
Do you have talent? Ah, we usually think of singing and dancing as talent — we can use that too! See Worship Arts. But we also need people who can cook, wash dishes, paint and garden. Check out our Congregational Ministry Opportunities and our In From The Cold Ministry.
Support Parkdale Financially
Traditionally, talent means money. Money that you earn from your labour. Money that you give in thanksgiving for all that God has given to you. You are blessed to be a blessing.
Our programs and Ministries, as described on our website in detail, are for the most part financed through the monetary donations of our members, adherents and supporters, from all over the world.
Financial Donations
Donations can be designated to one of the individual funds described below or to “where most needed”.
Current Expenses: Covers staff salaries, Children’s Christian Education, Adult Education, office administration, worship expenses including music programs and leaders, and ongoing building expenses such as heat, electricity, water, insurance and upkeep.
Mission and Outreach Fund: Contributions are used to support a number of local community outreach ministries as selected by our Mission and Outreach Committee on behalf of the congregation. In addition, contributions are forwarded monthly to the Mission & Service Fund of the United Church of Canada to support the work of the wider church in Canada and overseas.
Capital (Building) Fund: Contributions support major upgrades and repairs to our building and equipment. Each year, money is allocated to keeping our building up-to-date.
Benevolent Fund: On Communion Sundays, envelopes for the Benevolent Fund are available in the sanctuary. This fund is used by our ministers to meet individual requests for support.
Other: You can also direct your donations to other ministries of the church by specifying the name of the ministry on the offering envelope or in a note to the office along with your donation.
If wish to make a financial donation to Parkdale, any of several means can be used.
Tax receipts will be issued automatically for all financial contributions totalling more than $25 at the end of the year donated via methods 1 through 4 listed below. Receipts for lesser amounts can be made available upon request. View Average Donations below.
1. Cash or cheques
can be added to the offering plate that is circulated each Sunday. To receive a tax receipt, you can use a blue envelope (supplies are in the pews) and provide your name and address
2. Personal boxes of envelopes
are provided on request. You can place cash or a cheque in your uniquely numbered envelope and add it to the offering plate that is circulated each Sunday. Tax receipts will be provided at the end of each calendar year.
3. Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR)
Givings can also be made directly through your bank account or credit card using Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR). Givings are deducted automatically from your bank account or charged to your credit card once a month. Using PAR ensures steady, predictable revenue to support the church Ministries. PAR forms and information can be printed from this website:
Forms are also available in the church office.
Completed PAR forms can be placed in an envelope on the offering plate or sent to the church office. We will fill in the lines with the church information on them (Congregational number, Church name, Church PAR contact and phone number) and you can fill in your personal details.
If you would like to increase or modify your PAR givings at any time, please send an email outlining your wishes to or send a note to the church office.
4. eTransfer Donations
Donations can be made by sending an e-transfer to Make sure you note what the donation is for and provide your name and address information for a tax receipt.
5. Online Donations
You can give to Parkdale United Church online, using your credit card, through the secure donation Web site from CanadaHelps. CanadaHelps is a registered, non-profit organization that forwards online donations to the charity of your choice. They support almost all of Canada’s charities, including Parkdale United Church. You can learn more about CanadaHelps at their Web site,
This is great for those comfortable with internet charitable donations .
o You can choose a one-time donation or setup an account for annual or monthly gifts.
o Select specific areas of our Church Budget that you wish to support from the drop down menu.
o A separate Charitable Tax Receipt is issued electronically by CanadaHelps for each donation.
o There is a small fee to the church for the service, but it provides another opportunity for people anywhere in the world to support Parkdale United Church – Ottawa.
6. Donate Via SmartPhone App
Want to give to your church using the convenience of your smartphone? No problem! Download the App from the
App Store (iPhone)
or Google Play Store (Android).
Once you’ve downloaded the app, create an account or log in, and tap “Give Now” to complete your gift!
A Charitable Tax Receipt is issued electronically by for donations.
Bequests and Wills
Planning now to make a gift in the future for the work of the church, such as a bequest in your will or gift of life insurance, lays the foundation for a stable and exciting future for the church. You can choose to give to any ministry or mission: your local Parkdale congregation or Mission & Service Fund of the United Church of Canada. You can learn more about Bequests and legacy gifts at the following United Church website: .
The chart below shows a breakdown of the amount given by the regular donors of our congregation who used offering envelopes or Pre-authorized Remittance (PAR) in 2022. The chart excludes one-time gifts given by visitors or others throughout the year.
Parkdale United Church
Yearly Givings | # of Givers | Amount Given | % of Total Givers | % of Total Amount |
$0.01 – $50.00 | 10 | $241.75 | 5.95 | 0.06 |
$50.01 – $100.00 | 9 | $678.00 | 5.35 | 0.16 |
$100.01 – $200.00 | 4 | $615.00 | 2.38 | 0.14 |
$200.01 – $500.00 | 22 | $8,184.00 | 13.09 | 1.90 |
$500.01 – $1000.00 | 18 | $14,083.00 | 10.71 | 3.27 |
$1000.01 – $5000.00 | 82 | $187,538.47 | 48.81 | 43.56 |
$5000.01 – $10000.00 | 15 | $105,105.00 | 8.92 | 24.41 |
>$10000.00 | 8 | $114,055.00 | 4.76 | 26.49 |
Grand Totals: 168 $430,500.22 100 100
Average Yearly Giving Per Person: $2,562.50
An Invitation to Grow in Giving
To the Glory of God, and in support of PUC’s Ministries
Even as we grow in faith, we are encouraged to grow in our percentage of giving to the work of God undertaken by Parkdale United. Below is a chart that may be of help as we prayerfully consider how much to give.