As Christians we believe that God reveals Godself to us through the wonders of creation, through the events of history and our own personal experiences but most clearly in the writings of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures and in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Through these means, we come to know that God is great and powerful but also good and faithful, gracious and loving. Our proper response is worship, expressing our praise and thanksgiving.
All of life is or can be worship but Christians everywhere regularly meet to collectively offer to God our thanks and praise. “God dwells in the praise of his people” the scripture tells us and we find this to be true. Worship services at Parkdale are spiritually uplifting and long-time members, as well as new questers, sense the presence of God and often speak of a word spoken, as it were, just for them. Our services include music, prayers of confession and intercession, scripture readings, usually following the common lectionary, and good and thoughtful sermons. These sermons are available online.
Worship Services
Sunday Mornings
The worship service is held every Sunday morning at 10:30am in the Sanctuary. It is followed by a time for fellowship and refreshments in the Memorial Hallway. Everyone is welcome!
Special Services
- Weddings
- Baptismal Services
- Confirmation Services
- Funeral Services
Communion Services
Four times a year, the regular service includes a time for sharing in the Eucharist by partaking of the consecrated bread and wine.
Twice a year communion is served at a special service for our seniors who have mobility issues preventing regular attendance. An informal communion service concludes the Tuesday morning Bible study sessions.
Special Annual Services
January: Martin Luther King Jr. Gospel Service with the Imani Gospel singers from Montreal
Easter: Ash Wednesday; Maundy Thursday; Good Friday; Easter Sunday
Christmas: Four Sundays of Advent; Children’s Pageant; Special Choir Presentation; Christmas Eve – early service; Christmas Eve – late service, communion
For information about the above services, contact the church office at: 613-728-8656 or email: pdale@trytel.com
Parkdale's Worship Arts Program
Here at Parkdale United Church we have a thriving arts community. First there is music. “Music is a fair and glorious gift of God” wrote Martin Luther. We have a sanctuary choir which leads in the singing of the congregational hymns and provides an anthem most Sunday’s. They are accompanied frequently by instrumentalists. Dalesong is our contemporary music group and they provide the music one Sunday a month. A liturgical dance group and a drama group contribute to worship also. All these groups welcome new people coming to participate. (Read More)
Overseeing Committee
The content and conduct of Parkdale’s Worship Services is the responsibility of our three ministers. The Worship Committee’s role on a Sunday is to see that greeters, ushers and technical support are in place to enable the services to proceed as planned. It is the committee’s task to see that the sanctuary is appropriately decorated for the seasons of the Church Year – Advent, Lent, Easter and Thanksgiving. In 2016 we will have a new projection system with two large screens installed in the sanctuary. This is a welcome addition for our worship experience. (Read More)
How You Can Help
If you would like more information about Parkdale’s Worship Ministry or would like to work with the Ministry, contact the Chair of the Worship Committee: